Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summer is offically over

The kids are back in school. Back to homework, clubs, sports and scouts.

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SPS question of the week

What Olympic event would best describe your knitting style?
This summer I think it would be the marathon. I keep going and going and it just seems to take forever, but eventually it will get done.
Thanks goes out to my pal as I got a sweet little package over the weekend.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August ... thank God

July was an absolutly horrible month for me. My cat died mid-month, he was hit by a car and when my husband went to go retreive him a few hours later he was gone. I hope my neighbor did not bury him in the dumpster. The following week a dear friend and mother of three, Maureen, died. She had undergone some surgery for a broken ankle and had a blood clot that she did not know about. My youngest dd was really hurt by this news. She would always play soccer on the parent's side of the field to talk with Maureen during the games. Finally my dog Bailey passed away. My husband and I know that it was more than lyme disease. The poor boy spent the 5 last days of his life all bloated from his ribs to his hips. He was buried in the yard and my husband visits him every morning.
No news on the job front. I had an interview at Girl Scouts last week where the director of HR dismissed me after 10 minutes because she thought that the salary that they were willing to pay would not meet my needs. I am getting frustrated in that I get interviews but then no calls or thank you for your time letters.
As for knitting, I feel like I have kind of lost my mojo for now. I have not had much interest. I know it would be good for me to get my mind on something other than misery, but I am so lacking motivation.
I am glad to be done with July. I am hoping that August brings good news and good fortune. I will keep you posted.