Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hard drive is crashed

The reason for the infrequent blogging is due to the lack of home computer. Hard drive crashed and husband claimed that he would have it fixed. As well intentioned as he is, the thing is not fixed or replaced at this point in time. The kids have been checking e-mail at the local library and living without IM for a month. They have been surviving just fine.
It has been an eventful month. We moved, not by choice of our own. We were forced out of the house that we have rented for 13 years by the landlord from hell. It is a painful story, not worth recounting here. We found a huge house to rent in our home town and we are happy there. The kids are particularly happy with the move. The biggest issue is that the girls living on the 3rd floor, so calling them for supper is always an adventure. I think that we will need to invest in walkie talkies. As mom always says everything happens for a reasone and it was just time to go and the landlord from hell gave us a gift by making us move.
As I was moaning and complaining about our move and just about to throw myself a pitty party I learned that a dear friend and mother of 2 has colon cancer and the outlook is not good. That news made me feel better about my own personal situation.
The kids are back in school as of Tuesday. The girls are playing soccer and Brian is doing his own thing. The summer went by too fast.
As for knitting, I finished some socks for my sister and a MD washcloth. I have and other pair of socks on the sticks and the MD baby kimono. I will have pitcures of house, knitting etc. when the new computer arrives. Hopefully within the next few day.

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