Friday, September 5, 2008

How did I do all of this when I was working?

OK, so here was my week...
Tuesday - design invite for in-laws 50th. Get boy off bus, pick up spouse (we are down to 1 car for the time being), pick up girls at school, talk oldest into team pasta party (you only need to make an appearance) work from 6 - 9 at the Y (that was a disaster, but a story for an other time) and hope that dad worked with the boy to get homework done.
Wednesday - run around town to get soccer uniform, card stock for invites, cub scout hand book, lunch with DH, get call from youngest daughter to find out that she has been called up to play with older sister, so I MUST drive 40 minutes to the game, go to game, get home at 7, dinner, homework and drop into bed.
Thursday - I got a call to work, thankfully DH could get the boy off the bus. Worked, dropped DH off at work, picked up girls at school, boy to practice, while he was at practice I went to school open house, pick him up, drop oldest off at friend's house, feed youngest, do homework, pick up oldest, practice spelling with the boy, put him to bed and pick up DH.
Thank God it is Friday, all I have to do is pick up a birthday gift, work, get DH, drop off at the birthday party and crash. Grampa is helping with the kids today. Thanks
So it seems that I have no time to knit. I am hoping for rain over the weekend so I will be trapped in the house knitting and reading other wise it will be games and the Sterling Fair.

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